design methods research - Brno Del Zou

 Brno Del Zou 

Brno Del Zou was born in 1963, he grew up during the 80s, which was a very impactful time influenced by the artistic culture. The mass media was growing and there were significant differences and challenges within wealth, music and fashion. 

Del Zou is a musician, photographer, sculpture, videographer and software designer. He has lots of skills in many aspects of the creative industry. He was a teacher at the University of Poitiers, spent many years managing a university research laboratory, but now he has started to focus purely on his artistic and creative side. He creates ‘photo-sculptures’ and video animations which have become insanely popular throughout the artistic world and have inspired many artists. His work has been presented in exhibitions internationally, including the Quai Branly Museum in Tokyo. 

From his creative process, the artist writes: “In the manner of the first cubists, a body, a face, or even a landscape, can be represented from different points of view both on the same plane space.’ He goes on to explain how the process of him fragmenting images is just as faithful to art as ‘normal’ painting and photography is. He fragments his images and reconstrusts them to create a new image, that is often more ‘un-attractive’, gruelling and frightening. The depth within his sculptures is said to represent the time and work that goes into each of these creations. 

I enjoy his use of layering different images that have been cropped against one another, this style of work creates new meaning to the original image and therefore is ambiguous. Brno is not afraid to make his models look ‘un-attractive’ and use angels that wouldn’t normally be used within standard photography, and this is one of the reasons why I want to inco-orporate influences of his work into my own. In my opinion, a lot of popular modern photographers focus too much on making their model look attractive and beautiful, when in reality they could be holding back amazing photographs that are unconventional. 

He has a series of portraits in which he explores many different perspectives while capturing them in one plan angle. The result of the reconstruction of images is an intriguing collage that captures the eye abd displays many facets of an individual. 

The images are cut and reconstructed in a way that looks as though it could have been done quickly and freely, but also with an aspect of exact precision, creating new ambiguous meanings to the image sculpture that he has created. 



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