Research For Design Methods

 Robert Heinecken 

See the source imageSee the source imageSee the source image

For over 50 years, Heinecken has been creating images that often juxtapose advertising and feature photography. He creates his images by often using found images, placing them on top of light tables to get collages and his own creations. He transforms found images through methods like lithotography, etching and direct exposure photo grams. Each one of his sculptures is individual and exposes different aspects of the found images. 

I really like the sculpture of a puzzle that he created due to the ambiguous meanings it can have behind it. When I see this sculpture, I immediately think of things not being able to fit together and something within the images being an anomaly with the rest of the images. Heinecken's work brings together different images to create interesting sculptures that contain different layers and viewpoints, which is what I want to include within one of my final designs.

Heinecken also created direct light photograms, made from found images within magazines advertising something. This style creates conceptual outcomes due to the unknown of what the final image will look like.





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